Best, Cheap SQL Server 2016 Hosting

Leave a Comment - To find the winner of the Best & Cheap SQL Server 2016 hosting, we have reviewed the SQL Server 2016 hosting compatibility, reliability, performance, technical support and price of 50+ SQL Server 2016 hosting providers. In this article, we have explained why the company wins the competition in several aspects.

What is New in SQL Server 2016 Hosting?

SQL Server 2016 simplifies analytics in the way databases simplified enterprise data management, by moving analytics close to where the data is managed instead of the other way around. It introduces a new paradigm where all joins, aggregations and machine learning are performed securely within the database itself without moving the data out, thereby enabling analytics on real-time transactions with great speed and parallelism. As a result, analytical applications can now be far simpler and need only query the database for analytic results. Updating machine learning models, deploying new models, and monitoring their performance can now be done in the database without recompiling and redeploying applications. Furthermore, the database can serve as a central server for the enterprise’s analytical models and multiple intelligent applications can leverage the same models. It is a profound simplification in how mission critical intelligent applications can be built and managed in the enterprise.

A good example of how our customers are benefiting from the new model comes from PROS Holdings, Inc., a revenue and profit realization company that helps B2B and B2C customers achieve their business goals through data science. PROS Holdings uses SQL Server 2016’s superior performance and built-in R Service to deliver advanced analytics more than 100x faster than before, resulting in higher profits for their customers. Royce Kallesen, senior director of science and research at PROS says, “Microsoft R’s parallelization and enhanced memory management on the server integrated with SQL Server provides dramatically faster results on a common platform with built-in security.”

Best & Cheap SQL Server 2016 Hosting Review

HostForLIFEASP.NET is awarded the Best, Cheap, Recommended SQL Server 2016 hosting start from Є3.00/month HostForLIFEASP.NET SQL Server 2016 hosting is configured on latest technologies that comes with latest security fixes. HostForLIFEASP.NET optimized the server with the best configuration for the shared web hosting. They provide cheap, best and instant activation on your SQL Server 2016 hosting account once you install.

You will enjoy the full support of the experienced HostForLIFEASP.NET team, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Affordable Budget prices, full features, 99.99% Uptime Guarantee, No Risk Money-Back Guarantee - come and see for yourself why everyone is recommending HostForLIFEASP.NET for SQL Server 2016 Web Hosting. Stability and Performance of HostForLIFE servers remain their TOP priority. Even their basic service plans are equipped with standard service level agreements for 99.99% uptime. Advanced options raise the bar to 99.99%.

UKWindowsHostASP.NET - For cheap, best, and reliable SQL Server 2016 hosting, look no further than UKWindowsHostASP.NET for all your web hosting related needs. With them, your site will be hosted using isolated application pool in order to meet maximum security standard and reliability. Uptime and Backups their servers run with 99.99% uptime across their network. Free SQL Server 2016 Install or migration of existing get started with your web site in minutes with their free install.

Their friendly team all specialize in e-commerce (especially SQL Server 2016) to support your needs. Providing Performance, Reliability and Care to SQL Server 2016. Comprehensive Tools Email & Webmail, Spam Filter, MySQL Databases, PHPMyAdmin, FTP access, Offsite Backups as standard. UKWindowsHostASP.NET hosting servers come ready with the latest PHP version. You can get access directly to your MySQL from their world class Plesk Control Panel. - prides itself in providing web hosting with a rare combination of unmatched reliability, quality and affordability.’s edge is derived through unparalleled company management and a culture of employee-driven initiatives. With their fully support on Windows ASP.NET and PHP, is the best choice to host your SQL Server 2016 hosting. They are so confident in their hosting services they will not only provide you with a 30 days money back guarantee, but also they give you a 99.9% uptime guarantee. Their SQL Server 2016 hosting plan is starting from $7.00/month.

Conclusion: Best, Cheap SQL Server 2016 Hosting

After we try HostForLIFEASP.NET service for 3 months, our site never down and with just one click our SQL Server 2016 hosting success installed. Their loading speed is so fast and recommended for you who want to get powerful SQL Server 2016 hosting.
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